FLAG Bedford
- Description: FLAG Bedford (Friendship Link & Action Group) is a social group for adults with a sensory and/or physical or learning disability, and their carers, who live in the Bedford area. Our aim is to combat social isolation and loneliness.
- Category: Special Needs
- Day of the week: Thursdays
- Time: 2-4pm
- Address: Priory Methodist Church, Newnham Avenue, Bedford
- Telephone: 7815196357
No Limits Multi- Activity club
- Description: The Multi-Activity Club is for people aged 16 years and over with a learning and / or a physical disability. Activities on offer include rounders, basketball, badminton, dodgeball and football. £3 per session, no need to book, just pay on the day.
- Category: Special Needs
- Day of the week: Mondays (excluding public holidays)
- Time: 1.45 - 2.45pm
- Address: Bedford International Athletic Stadium, Barkers Lane, MK41 9SB
Wixams Lego Club
- Description: We have Mega Blocks, Duplo, Lego, Lego Kits & Lego Technics.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Time: 9.30am-11am
- Address: Lakeview Village Hall, 155-166 Brooklands Ave, Wixams MK42 6AB
- Email: legoatwixams@gmail.com
- Description: An inclusive group that welcomes all abilities, from jogging, couch to 5K, to experienced runners. We normally meet at the Stewartby Sports Field, at the main entrance, Park Crescent, opposite Rousbury Road. Our run leaders have undertaken a recognised qualification, and you need to train with a run leader at the designated club.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Time: 6.30PM
- Address: Stewartby Sports Field
- Website: http://groups.runtogether.co.uk/StewartbyStriders
- Email: stewartbystriders@gmail.com
Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers
- Description: A small, very active running club based on Flitwick Football Centre, catering for all abilities from the absolute beginner to the elite distance runners, on road or cross country. Organizers of the Flitwick 10K road race. Marston Forest 5K & Ampthill Trophy.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Thursdays Afternonn
- Time: 2pm-4pm
- Address: Flitwick Football Centre, 92 Ampthill Road, Flitwick MK45 1BA
- Website: http://www.affrunningclub.org.uk
Shinpi Izumi Martial Arts Club – Ju Jutsu style
- Description: Juniors
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Mondays -term time only
- Time: 6pm - 7pm
- Address: St Cuthbert’s Hall, Newnham Street, Bedford, MK40 3JR
- Telephone: 7840314869
Falcon SA Gymnastics Club
- Description: Boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 14. "Fusing traditional gymnastics and acrobatics with tricks and stunts made famous from the movies. This includes rolling climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, plyometrics, as well as learning flics and somersaults in a safe and inclusive environment with qualified coaches."
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Saturdays
- Time: 1.15pm to 2.15pm
- Address: Scott Primary School, Hawk Drive, Bedford MK41 7JA
- Website: https://www.falcongym.com
Junior Table Tennis Club
- Description: Youngsters from ages 6-15 are welcome to come along to Lincroft Academy in Oakley. Bats and balls provided. A new Summer Junior League will also be running throughout July/August. Visit revolutionttc.co.uk/shop to book a place.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: June-July
- Time: 6pm-7.15pm
- Address: Lincroft Academy, High Street, Oakley, MK43 7RE.
- Website: http://www.revolutionttc.co.uk/shop
Bedford FC Mini Soccer Club
- Description: Boys and girls aged 4-10yrs. £3.00 per child and £5 for two. Our aim is to provide children of all abilities with a unique footballing experience, developing physical, social and communication skills.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Saturdays
- Time: 10.30am till 12.15pm
- Address: Goldington Academy, Haylands Way, Bedford MK41 9BX
- Website: https://www.bedfordfcminisoccer.com
Wootton Badminton Club
- Description: Friendly club welcoming anyone who does or has played badminton.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Thursdays
- Time: 7.30pm to 10.00pm
- Address: Wootton Upper School, Hall End, Wootton, Beds, MK43 9HT
- Website: https://www.woottonbedfordbadmintonclub.weebly.com
- Email: woottonbadmclub@gmail.com
Bedford Parkrun
- Description: Join us for a 5km run around the park (dogs, children and buggies all welcome). Register for free on the Parkrun UK website
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Saturdays
- Time: Meet at The Bandstand at 9am.
- Address: Park Avenue, Bedford MK40 2JZ
- Website: https://www.parkrun.org.uk
Ouse Valley Archers
- Description: Run by Archery GB approved coaches. All equipment provided. For experienced archers or those who have completed a beginners course the club shoots indoors/outdoors
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Thursdays
- Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm
- Address: Putnoe Primary School & Field, Church Lane, Bedford MK41 0DH
- Website: https://www.ousevalleyarchers.com
- Email: info@ousevalleyarchers.com
Mowsbury Park Bowls Club
- Description: If you are looking to try a new sport with an active social element why not try Bowls. Come along any Wednesday or Friday. Free coaching provided if needed-first 4 sessions for free. Just bring flat shoes; all other equipment provided. Entrance is via Wentworth Drive
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Wednesday or Friday (May- Sep)
- Time: 2pm to 4.30pm
- Address: Cleat Hill, Kimbolton Road, Ravensden, United Kingdom, MK41 8BJ
- Telephone: 1234211828
- Website: https://www.mowsburyparkbowlsclub.co.uk
North Beds Ramblers
- Description: Come and join us for a walk. We walk every Saturday afternoon approx 6 miles ans Saturdays twice a month in the morning for approx 12 miles.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Telephone: 7780933729
- Website: http://www.ramblers.org.uk/north-bedfordshire
- Email: northbedswalks@gmail.com
Shinpi Izumi Martial Arts Club – Ju Jutsu style
- Description: Adults
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Tuesdays – all year round
- Time: 8am - 9pm
- Address: St Cuthbert’s Hall, Newnham Street, Bedford, MK40 3JR
- Telephone: 7840314869
Ampthill & District Archelogical & local History Society
- Description: Programme of talks and summer visits, field walking and local history research. Age range: 16 upwards. membership fee:£8 per person pa.+meeting fee of £2 members/ £3 non-members. Visitors welcome. Oct-Apr (Except Jan).
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: 1st Monday of the month
- Time: 7.45pm
- Address: Lecture Room Flitwick library Coniston Rd, Flitwick MK45 1QJ
- Website: http://www.adalhs.mooncarrot.org.uk
Social Table Tennis
- Description: All Ages Welcome. Just Turn Up. £4 per player per session, Bats Available, Free Hire. Coaching Available.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Mondays & Tuesdays
- Time: 7.30pm-10.00pm
- Address: Sports Hall, Lincroft School, Oakley MK43 7RE
- Telephone: 7921093199
Little Scrummers Rugby Club
- Description: Exciting, fun & inspiring children’s tag rugby classes for girls and boys from 18 months up to 7 years old! We want to bring rugby to children at a young age to enable them to build their confidence, enjoy sport & have fun! For more information & to book in for a FREE TRIAL please visit us at www.littlescrummers.com
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Saturdays
- Time: 8.30am until 11.10am
- Address: Kings Oak Primary School, Oak Road, Bedford MK42 0HH
Bedford Bridge Club
- Description: Competitive duplicate Bridge. Table money, £2 for Members and £3 for non members.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Tuesday and Friday evenings
- Time: 7.30pm
- Address: Brickhill Community Centre, Avon Drive, Bedford MK41 7AF
Bedford Astronomical Society
- Description: Guest speakers talking about space exploration and all matters astronomical. Regular observing evenings from September to April, also at Bedford School. Begginer or expert, you can be sure of a very warm welcome.
- Category: Sports & Activities
- Day of the week: Last Wednesday of the month
- Time: 7.30pm
- Address: Bedford School, De Parys Avenue, MK40 2TU
- Website: http://www.bedsastro.org.uk