LATEST NEWS in and around Bedford

Bedford Festival Fringe

Over 120 events in 11 days across 3 venues!

From Thursday 21st to Sunday 31st July, Bedford will host the 15th International Bedford Festival Fringe bringing to the town a carefully selected programme of comedy, theatre, live music, film, dance & physical theatre, spoken word and poetry to your doorstep. This year, events will be held at The Quarry Theatre. Expect to see 120+ events in 11 days across 3 venues! Hopefully there will be something for everyone.

Some highlights this year include a special Bedford preview of Les Dawson: Flying High staring BBC Dead Ringers favourite Jon Culshaw. A bit of London’s West End also hits our programme with Charlie Russell Aims to Please. Charlie is a Creative Associate of Mischief and original cast member of The Play That Goes Wrong, Peter Pan Goes Wrong, The Comedy About a Bank Robbery plus many more of these fabulous shows. Also look out for another Britain’s Got Talent winner in our programme as Jon Courtney will also be previewing his Edinburgh show with us!

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Max Fulham: “Is It Just Me?”

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Jon Courtenay: Against The Odds (Edinburgh Preview)

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Aurie Styla: Work In Progress

The pricing has changed a little this year with 37 shows priced from £5 to £10 (pay what you want) so do take advantage of this and see as many shows as you can afford.

Bedfringe 2022 is sponsored by: Bedford School (principal sponsor), Keens Shay Keens, The Harpur Trust and Eagle Tapes with in-kind sponsorship from LCH Production Services, Hyspec, Bedford Bid, Bedford Radio, Bedford Clanger, Future Legend Media, White Hart Press, Bedfordshire Bulletin.

The 2022 charity is Transitions UK


Box office: 01234 362337

Twitter / Facebook /Instagram: Bedfringe